We have seven vessels
BOUANZA The vessel Bouenza, is air-conditioned | THE LOUEME LOUEME is a vessel of type catamaran very fast with an air-conditioned cab and carrying 10 passengers and 11 tons of food or materials. | LOUBENDA LOUBENDA is a tug vessel with a length of 15.80 m, a width of 4.32 m, a pulling water of 1.15 m and a power: (CV/kw) 320 Ch / 237 kW. |
SONGOLO SONGOLO is a vessel with a capacity of 15 seats. | LOUAYI LOUAYI is a zodiac that carries 08 passengers. | LANKENI LANKENI is a vessel that carries 08 passengers. |
GRADY J Le navire GRADY J Click here for more information |
Note: LOUEME vessel can carry 20 life rafts in a single trip and also pipes lines of 7 m or iron of 6 m in length.
Their mission includes the change of crew, transporting staff assigned and material to work on offshore installations and the assistance of customs clearance.